Bylaws for Corresponding Membership
1. Objective
In order to achieve the objectives of Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine (JARM) from the standpoint of international exchange as set forth in Article 3 of the Articles of the Association, from among overseas medical doctors and researchers specializing in rehabilitation medicine who are making a contribution to the field of rehabilitation medicine, the Association shall appoint Corresponding Members who shall perform the important role of exchanging information with the Association as foreign Special Members as set forth in Article 5, Paragraph 2, Item 5 of the Articles of the Association and in Article 4 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Articles of the Association.
2. Qualifications
A person intending to become a Corresponding Member shall satisfy the following requirements:
The said person shall be a medical doctor or researcher who is of a foreign nationality or has either citizenship or permanent residency status in a foreign country;
The said person should have made significant contributions to the field of rehabilitation medicine;
The said person, living abroad, shall be able to contribute to international exchange with JARM; and
The said person shall obtain a recommendation from a honorary member, officer or representative of JARM.
3. Admission
The JARM Committee on International Affairs shall review the achievements and contributions to JARM of the proposed candidate for Corresponding Membership and shall report the results to the President of the Board of Governors of JARM. The President of the Board of Governors shall, following deliberations in the Board of Governors, recommend the candidate and receive the approval of the Representative Assembly of JARM.
4. Limitation on Number of Corresponding Members
The number of Corresponding Members shall be no more than 30.
5. Rights of Corresponding Members
The annual membership fee for JARM shall be waived;
Registration fee(s) for domestic and/or international meetings organized by JARM shall be waived;
The Corresponding Member shall be able to submit papers to the Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine and other publications and to make presentations to the above meetings;
The Corresponding Member shall receive the Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine and other publications of JARM; and
The Corresponding Member shall be able to make proposals to JARM in response to a request by the Association.
6. Duties of Corresponding Members
Corresponding Members shall have the following duties:
To contribute to the development of JARM in one or more of the following ways at least once in five years;
(1) Attending or making a presentation at a meeting organized by JARM or other related meeting; or
(2) Submitting an article for publication in the Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine or other Japanese medical journal related to rehabilitation medicine. To promptly notify the secretariat of JARM of any changes in address for correspondence, and other relevant data affecting membership.
7. Membership Expiration and Extension
The period of membership is five years, but this may be extended on the approval of the Board of Governors.
8. Registration
With the approval of the Corresponding Members, the Board of Governors shall publish the names of Corresponding Members in the bulletin of the Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine.
9. Supplement
Following a resolution of two-thirds of the members of the Committee on International Affairs, including the Committee Chairman, the above bylaws shall go into effect upon the approval of the Board of Governors.
Approval by Board of Governors: | September 25, 1999 |
March 29, 2003 | |
January 24, 2009 | |
March 14, 2014 |